Spring into Shape

With the days getting brighter and longer, and the weather getting warmer; you hopefully may feel that you are filled with more energy. Hopefully this extra bout of energy gives you the boost you need to get your body moving. I also always find that with the longer and brighter day, my mood tends to be better which makes it easier for me to be active and eat better. Research does show that, peoples feelings and emotions can definitely be impacted by the weather…and I can confirm that I definitely feel this way!

If you’re ready to kickstart a new fitness routine, here are three tips to help you get started:

1) Find what motivates you

Whether its getting out for walks in run in the sunshine, hitting up the gym, cycling up the mountains, doing some yoga…when you find what motivates you, you’ll find it easier to stick to it.

2) Set your goals
Once you’ve found what motivates you set yourself some goals. Set yourself some easier short term goals (things you could achieve over the next few months) and set yourself some long term goals (things to achieve by the end of the summer) so that you have somethings to work towards.

Remember to start small! 10 minutes of walking, 15 minutes of stretching…every little bit is more than enough to get you going. When that feels easy, then you can simply build up on it. Achieving small successes improves your motivation and your fitness level. Long term fitness is important so you don’t want to go too hard too quickly and then stop again for several months.

3) Join forces with a workout partner or coach

Kickstarting something new can be easier and more fun with a friend or accountability partner. Whether its partnering up with a friend or hiring a coach or going to a group class; having someone waiting for you will ensure you show up even on the days you don’t want to (because even with warmer and longer days, there will sill be days that you don’t want to!)

Whether you want to work out at home, get fit at the gym or be in the outdoors, there are many types of fitness programs that can help you kick start your spring fitness routine. For more advice don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at coretrainingpt@gmail.com


Every body is a summer body!


February: Heart Health Awareness Month