Weight loss is not a cure-all solution!

Many diets often focus their attention purely on numbers on a scale, with no consideration -and potentially at the expense- of your overall heal or psychological wellbeing. I am nearly a decade deep working in the fitness industry and to this day, the speed the diet industry churns out brand new ways of trying to extract money from you is pretty impressive!

Weight loss is such nuanced topic, unlike the universal solution that diets try to sell. Whilst I understand it is a lot simpler to market one weight loss plan and get everyone to buy into it, long term successful weight loss will look differently for everyone. If the diet doesn’t suit your individual circumstance, theres a high chance it won’t be successful long term.

As we approach summer, a lot of people will fall for these diets in bid to get summer ready as fast as they can, which in my honest opinion is not the solution. Start your health and fitness journey now by all means but don’t rush it. Weight loss is not a cure-all solution and dieting does come with its own side effects; therefore, doing it in a way that isn’t too extreme will be healthiest and happiest way for you to lose weight. If you aren’t convinced by this just think of it in this way:

If you set out to lose weight but in the process ruin your relationship with food and/or exercise was it the healthiest thing for you to do?

If you set out to lose weight but in the process miss out on fun social events because you had to stay on track was it worth it?

If you set out to lose weight under the impression of improving your health but are following a diet plan that isn’t considered healthy at all, was the diet worth it?

If you set out to lose weight to feel more confident but in the process feel more insecure was the diet worth it?

My point of these is that weight loss is not a universal solution, and whilst can be extremely successful for some people it can be hugely detrimental for others.

A lot of this information comes from “Everything fat loss” By Ben Carpenter


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